How many chapters are in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Players of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands are able to go on an exciting adventure through the world of Tiny Tina and her epic campaign in Bunkers & Badasses. During the campaign, players will be able to use a multitude of weapons as they go forth on their adventure to stop the evil Dragon Lord. But just how long is Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, and how many chapters does the main campaign of the game have?

How many chapters are there in the campaign in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?

Players of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands can expect to spend a lot of time on the main campaign of the game. Whilst exploring the Wonderlands, players will be able to loot a lot of different weapons, spells, and armor in this Borderlands spin-off.

Players will definitely need the items during their journey to the Dragon Lord. They will face off against many different enemies and bosses during the campaign.

How long does it take to complete Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?

Players can expect to spend at least 16-20 hours to beat the main campaign of Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. This is because each one of the chapters contains a story mission that will take approximately 45 minutes to an hour to complete. There are also many different side missions that will extend the playtime.

How many chapters make up the campaign in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands?

Players can anticipate spending 45 minutes to an hour on each quest (Image via Gearbox Software)

Players who make their way through the main campaign will find themselves going through multiple chapters, which make up the quests in the campaign. There are 11 chapters overall, with 10 making up the main story and one being the epilogue, which wraps everything up nicely. The campaign's chapters are broken up into the following:

What can players do after they complete the campaign?

Once players complete the campaign, there are a lot of different tasks they can complete. They can run the Chaos Chamber and make their way through all of the Chaos Levels to find the best legendary items. They can complete all of the side quests in the game, and even find all of the lucky dice. In fact, there is so much to do after the campaign that players can expect to sink in a lot of time.

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