It is possible on my javascript application to like posts. And I created an nb_likes column of integer type in the prisma table containing the different posts of the application. I would like when a like is added to a post, the value of the nb_likes column is incremented by 1. So I wrote the following code:
await db.post.update({ . . . nb_likes : { increment, } }, });
I expected the value of the nb_likes column to be implicitly increased by 1 but the increment
keyword is not recognized. I searched the internet, but couldn't find anything about it. Thanks !
1 Answer
With Prisma, you can perform atomic operations for Int and Float fields.
increment: x:
Adds x to the current value
decrement: x:
Subtracts x from the current value
multiply: x:
Multiplies the current value by x
divide: x:
Divides the current value by x
set: x:
Sets the value to x (equivalent to data: { age: 18 })
You can learn more from the docs
An example is shown
const updatePosts = await prisma.post.updateMany({ data: { views: { increment: 1, }, likes: { increment: 1, }, }, })