How to track bounties and total EXP for Destiny 2 Season 19

June 2024 ยท 5 minute read

With the arrival of the new season, Destiny 2 players are likely to get even busier than usual. Players are tuning into these later portions of the season even more, mainly for the various bonuses that Bungie is providing. One of the most popular tasks at this time is called "bounty hoarding," which can accumulate a large amount of EXP in the upcoming days.

Sometimes, players aren't aware of the amount of EXP they store for themselves, as there aren't any exact numbers in the game. While it's well-known that each character can hold 53 bounties, there are a lot of calculations that go into finding the exact number of season pass levels that can be earned.

One particular third-party website seems to be making things easier for the playerbase, as it allows its users to simply log in and track their progress with just a few clicks. This website is called destinyrecipes, and the following article will guide you on how to use it.

A brief guide to check the EXP progression and bounty count on Destiny 2

Several third-party sites for Destiny 2 are used extensively by the community for various purposes. DIM lets players utilize loadouts, whereas Destinytracker helps fans track their kill counts and leaderboards.

Similarly, destinyrecipes excels in keeping tabs on bounties across all three characters, making it one of the most important websites for the community.

Here's how you can use the website:

The image shown below might help you better understand the usefulness of this website. We will now go over how to understand the different elements on this particular page.

Checklist page within the destinyrecipes website (Image via Bungie)

Each bounty you have in-game, whether completed or not, will be added to the website upon reloading. Below each bounty is a number that shows the amount of EXP it can provide. The numbers at the top of the bounty list are the season pass levels that fill up based on the bounties you have stored.

Destiny 2 estimated seasonal progression in the website (Image via destinyrecipes)

The calculation on the right is an estimation of the amount of EXP that can be gained after the completion of every bounty you have. Lastly, the percentages on the left showcase booster buffs, which you can disable by unchecking them.

Estimated Destiny 2 EXP with collected bounties (Image via destinyrecipes)

Although the website might also count seasonal bounties, users should keep in mind that the arrival of a new season deletes any bounties related to previous seasons. Therefore, doing so might lead to a few EXP losses. Players are also recommended to clear out unneeded quests to free up space for additional bounties.

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