Who is Rumpelstiltskin? Dream's face reveal has fans comparing YouTuber with Shrek's antagonist

June 2024 · 5 minute read

After years of waiting, Clay "Dream" finally shared his face reveal, and it has certainly led to a mixed response from fans. Some found him attractive, but many on social media have compared him to an antagonist from the Shrek series - Rumpelstiltskin.

Several Twitter users quickly took to the platform to take shots at the Minecraft streamer and his looks, now that he’s taken off the mask. But who is the antagonist in question from the popular animated movie series?

Dream is being compared to Shrek's antagonist Rumpelstiltskin

Some were happy with how Dream looks, while others expected far more than they received. It also led to a number of popular streamers reacting to the Minecraft content creator’s looks.

However, one of the biggest trends on Twitter is comparing the streamer to Rumpelstiltskin, an antagonist from the Shrek franchise. Quite a few of his fans felt disappointed by how Dream looked, and whether seriously or jokingly, began to mock the streamer for how he looks.

But who is Rumpelstiltskin? Having appeared in Shrek Forever After as the primary antagonist, he was also a villain in Shrek 2, though he did not appear in the actual animated feature. A dwarf in Far Far Away, he harbored a significant hatred for Shrek, who he blamed for his reputation being ruined.

In Shrek Forever After, the protagonist wanted to be an Ogre again, for just one day, which led to Rumpelstiltskin tricking him via a contract. In exchange for being an Ogre for just one day, he wanted just one day of Shrek’s childhood.

This would lead to Rumpelstiltskin taking away the day of Shrek’s birth so that Fiona was never rescued, they never married, and thus had no children. The villain had become the ruler of Far Far Away, who even enslaved the ogres.

It wasn’t enough to stop Shrek though, who would eventually overcome the dwarf. Shrek ultimately fulfilled the contract’s “exit clause," thanks to True Love’s Kiss. Rumpelstiltskin was last seen in a cage during the end of the film’s party, forced to dance in there, thanks to the Pied Piper.

Conversely, in the German fairy tale, collected by the Brothers Grimmm, Rumpelstiltskin is also a tricky, treacherous creature. In it, a man claimed to the king that his daughter can spin straw into gold. She is then made to prove this claim, on the condition that she'll be executed if she fails.

This is when Rumpelstiltskin showed up, trading first her necklace, then her ring, for the imp to spin straw into gold in her place.

The third night, she promised her first-born daughter, which came to pass after the peasant girl married the King. She ultimately tricked the imp, having to guess his name in order to keep her child.

Thanks to his hair color, perhaps height, and his jawline, people are comparing Dream to Rumpelstiltskin across Twitter. While some users did comment that he did not look too bad, many believe he does bear a resemblance to the antagonist of Shrek Forever After.

However, Dream is yet to respond to all of the mockery he has received via social media.

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